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Building a Sustainable Future for the next generations

Fundação Abrinq will bring together specialists in Education, Eradication of Poverty, Zero Hunger, Climate Change, and Partnerships to discuss Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 1, 2, 13, and 17. This gathering aims to highlight the importance of the 2030 Agenda and foster collaboration in achieving these goals.

Watch on YouTube.


  • Diane Whitehead – President and CEO – Childhood Education International

  • Karen Oliveira – Public Policy and Government Relations Director – The Nature Conservancy

  • Victor Graça – Superintendent – Fundação Abrinq

July 17

Charting a lifelong learning strategy for climate action: development, implementation and monitoring

July 18

9th Global Capacity-Building Workshop on GCED: Empowering Educators for a Culture of Peace through GCED