News from Mission 4.7

2024 Highlights: Revolutionizing Education for Sustainable Development
We invite you to explore the Ages of Globalization 2024 Highlights for a closer look at the incredible achievements we’ve reached together — milestones made possible through the collective efforts of our vibrant community.

First-of-Its-Kind Course “Ages of Globalization” Launches at SDSN’s Pre-Summit of the Future Event to Inspire a New Era of Global Education
The new course takes learners and educators on a journey, blending world history, science, geography, and technology into an immersive educational adventure to prepare learners to meet the world’s sustainable development challenges.
“Connection, Appreciation and Action”: A Global Partnership Forum for Education
Mission 4.7 hosted a Global Partnership Forum alongside the Summit of the Future to share learning, practice, and offer a space for enhanced collaboration in education.

Announcing Ages of Globalization, a new way to learn about—and for—the world
Mission 4.7 is excited to announce the launch of Ages of Globalization, an innovative online course designed to help young people around the world tackle today's sustainable development challenges!

Education for Sustainable Development: The key that unlocks the SDGs
SDSN’s Shannon Kobran reflects on the ESD for 2030 Regional Meeting held in Kuala Lumpur in July 2024.

UNESCO, SDSN, and the Ministry of Education of Malaysia join forces for the ESD for 2030 Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting in Kuala Lumpur
UNESCO and the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) joined forces with the Malaysia Ministry of Education, the Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO and partners in a major meeting underscoring the critical importance of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Asia-Pacific.

SDSN and the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation launch a nation-wide scale-up of ESD training for Malaysian teachers
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), in collaboration with the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation, has launched a nationwide teacher professional development programme aimed at integrating Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into Malaysian schools. This initiative, supported by the Ministry of Education, will empower over 2,500 teachers across 30 schools with global ESD competencies, adapted to local contexts.

Mission 4.7 Malaysia celebrates Earth Day by kicking off its ESD teacher training pilot
SDSN celebrated Earth Day by kicking off its Mission 4.7 Malaysia ESD Teacher Training pilot at SMK St. Mary in Kuala Lumpur.

Empowering Educators and Youth: Shaping a Sustainable Future
Educators play a pivotal in preparing students to address global challenges outlined in the SDGs. Events like the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and the Summit of the Future provide opportunities for educators and youth to engage meaningfully in shaping a more sustainable and inclusive world. By amplifying their impact beyond the classroom, educators can inspire students to become proactive agents of positive change on a global scale.

Event Recap: Climate, Justice and Education
On Monday 8 April, 2024, on the occasion of the Worldwide Climate Justice Education Week, NORRAG hosted a hybrid event for an expansive audience entitled Climate, Justice and Education.

“Fostering Youth-led Innovations to Accelerate Progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals” Report Released at COP28
At COP28, a consortium of universities led by the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and the University of Waterloo, Canada, released “Fostering Youth-led Innovations to Accelerate Progress on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: A Guide for Policy makers.” The report highlights young voices speaking about their needs for eco-innovations.

Mission 4.7 at the Global Conference on Sustainable Development in Hong Kong
Mission 4.7 was prominently featured at the Global Conference on Sustainable Development (GCSD) in Hong Kong.

Mission 4.7 hosts Workshop Series on Eco-Innovations
On September 18, on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, Mission 4.7 and partners hosted the latest of their “Fostering Youth-Led Innovation for the SDGs” webinar series, this one on Eco-Innovations for Global Citizenship.

How to “Educate a Child”: Reflections from policy and practice
The inaugural session of Mission 4.7’s Educate a Child Lecture Series took place on September 17, 2023, on the sidelines of the SDG Summit and UNGA. Participants discussed what is required of foundational learning in the 21st century for a Transformative Education, redefining what it means in the age of a climate crisis, and how we can provide quality education in inclusive ways.

Mission 4.7 at the ASEAN Workshop on Sustainable Development 2023
Mission 4.7 hosted a panel discussion entitled “Reorienting education to contribute to sustainable development” at SDSN’S ASEAN Workshop on Sustainable Development, held on 21-22 July 2023 at Sunway University, Malaysia.

Youth Reflections: Eshaan Jain, USA
Eshaan, a high school student from the USA, advocates for comprehensive and interdisciplinary climate education.

Mission 4.7 joins the Second Session of the Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting on the Revision of the 1974 Recommendation
Mission 4.7 was present at UNESCO HQ for the second session of the Intergovernmental Special Committee Meeting on the Revision of the 1974 Recommendation.

Youth Reflections: Kunaal Chatterjee, USA
Kunaal, a high school student from the USA, reflects on the changes he’s seen in his hometown as a result of climate change.

Environmental education in today's classrooms
Hear from Argentinian Global Schools Advocate and environmental educator Marcela Villan about how teachers play an essential role in passing on environmental values and practices.

Reflections on the UNESCO ESD-Net 2030 Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
In the wake of September 2022’s Transforming Education Summit and the launch of ESD-Net 2030, UNESCO has organized regional meetings to convene and advise countries in the development and implementation of “country initiatives” to mainstream ESD into national sustainable development efforts. SDSN’s Shannon Kobran joined the ESD-Net Asia Pacific Regional Meeting in Bali, Indonesia, from June 12-14.