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ESD-Net Europe-North America Regional Webinars

UNESCO’s ESD-Net 2030 Secretariat is hosting two upcoming ESD-Net Europe-North America regional webinars on March 6 and 7, 14:00-16:00 CET. 

Register here.

UNESCO has launched a new global network, ESD-Net 2030, to support countries with the implementation of ESD for 2030. This network aims to facilitate the implementation of the ESD for 2030 framework and its Roadmap by providing a platform of exchange and collaboration organized according to 4 main objectives: 1) knowledge sharing & mutual learning, 2) advocacy, 3) collaboration and 4) monitoring and evaluation.  

These two webinars are important occasions to invite countries and ESD stakeholders to take stock of current progress in the development and implementation of ESD for 2030 and to strengthen exchange and collaboration through the ESD-Net 2030. The webinars will be technical in nature, focusing on moving from policy to practice.

March 6

SDG Action & Awareness Week 2023

March 7

6th International Conference on Future Education