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An Introduction to Sustainability and the SDGs

  • Moncton, NB Canada (map)

An Introduction to Sustainability and the SDGs | Une introduction à la durabilité et aux ODD. Learning for a Sustainable Future, Grades K–8. 

Feb. 25th (EN) and March 13th (FR) 10:30am–11:30am 

It’s time to ramp up the environmental learning! The Sustainability Education Alliance (a collaborative of the New Brunswick Environmental Network) is hosting a free bilingual virtual learning series called “Nurturing Nature in Education.” The series will take place between February 11th and March 26th. These workshops are geared towards K-12 teachers across New Brunswick and they are either English, French, or Bilingual. In some cases, co-learning with the students is encouraged! Topics include climate change adaptation, Two-Eyed Seeing, forest health and herbicide spraying, eco-anxiety, sustainable development goals, and more. 

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February 24

Why is climate education not mainstream?

February 26

Global Education and Learning in the Asia Pacific Region