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SDG Action & Awareness Week 2025

The University Global Coalition, in partnership with the State University of New York, is proud to declare March 3-7, 2025, UN Sustainable Development Goals Action and Awareness Week. The purpose of this week is to promote awareness of the SDGs among students, faculty, and staff in higher education and inspire them to take action in furtherance of the goals on their campuses and in their local community. UGC invites participants to plan and host a virtual SDG-focused event for the UGC global calendar, attend an event, or plan events on their own campuses. 

Participating colleges, universities, and partner organizations are invited to plan and host an event during SDG Action & Awareness Week. View the criteria and required information here and use the form to submit your event details when ready. 

February 27

Ka ara ake te akoranga i tewhenua: climate action and history teaching in Aotearoa (New Zealand) with Michael Harcourt and Haimana Hirini

March 4

What is Econarrative and and how does it connect to ethical leadership?