News from Mission 4.7

Education for Sustainable Development: The key that unlocks the SDGs
SDSN’s Shannon Kobran reflects on the ESD for 2030 Regional Meeting held in Kuala Lumpur in July 2024.

Mission 4.7 convenes Ministers of Education alongside UN TES
As a contribution to the UN Transforming Education Summit, Mission 4.7 hosted a special panel discussion featuring Ministers of Education and other government officials from Ghana, Finland, Belize, Greece, and Malawi to discuss their countries’ work and commitment towards making SDG 4.7 a reality.

Mission 4.7 joins the open consultation for the UN Transforming Education Summit’s Action Track 2 on “Learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development”
The first open consultation for TES Thematic Action Track 2 on “Learning and skills for life, work, and sustainable development” brought together diverse stakeholders to discuss the educational needs of life and work in a sustainable future.

UNESCO hosts Stakeholders Consultation in preparation for the Transforming Education Summit
Details and strategies for the UN Secretary-General’s Transforming Education Summit are still being developed, but Mission 4.7 is excited to be part of this important moment in educational transformation.