News from Mission 4.7

A Visit to the Ugandan SDG Country Secretariat
Global Schools Advocate Nabuduwa Grace Olive Musingo recently visited her country’s SDG Secretariat to extend her work on integrating sustainable development into the education system in Uganda.

All Eyes on New Jersey: The Future of Climate Education is Here
Discover how New Jersey is taking a significant step ahead of other States in the country and internationally in bringing about Transformative Education for a sustainable future.

The Rondine Method: Transformative Peace Education and Human Rights for Mission 4.7
In Italy, the Rondine Cittadella della Pace and its “Rondine Method” are building a relational approach for the creative transformation of conflicts , in every context, to contribute to a planet free from armed clashes, in which every person has the tools to manage conflicts in a creative and positive way.

Has COVID-19 revolutionised our education system?
Even prior to the pandemic, inclusive and equitable quality education was advancing at too slow a pace. Malaysia’s brand of inequality and chauvinism is as evident within its education system as in other parts of its socio-economic fabric. Sunway University, through the Jeffrey Sachs Center, is localizing the Mission 4.7 framework in the hope of contributing to Malaysia’s yearned-for educational revolution.

Climate education in the spotlight at COP26: Ministers of Education and Environment meet for historic event
Governments from around the world sent video pledges to increase climate education, integrate Education for Sustainable Development and to highlight good practices. Representatives of education and environment from Japan, Malawi, Greece, Colombia, Scotland and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe made live pledges, before answering a series of questions from young people on access to climate education, inter-sectoral partnership and whole-school approaches to sustainability from different areas of the world.

Ministers of education & Youth4Climate delegates exchange on climate education at the pre-COP in Milan
Almost 400 young climate leaders from all over the world have gathered in Milan to develop a declaration on their demands for climate action, which will be presented to governments ahead of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), being held in Glasgow from 31 October to 12 November.

Mission 4.7 chats with teachers at ICSD 2021
On 20 September 2021, the Mission 4.7 Secretariat hosted a plenary session as part of the International Conference on Sustainable Development. The session featured four outstanding classroom teachers who spoke about the obstacles, opportunities, and impact of teaching the next generation to understand and address the world’s greatest challenges.

Mission 4.7 partners participate in UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development
Global Schools, SDSN, and the Ban Ki-moon Centre present their innovative work achieving Target 4.7 and join stakeholders from all world regions to accomplish the new global framework ESD for 2030.

UNESCO declares environmental education must be a core curriculum component by 2025
Over 80 ministers and vice ministers and 2,800 education and environment stakeholders committed to taking concrete steps to transform learning for the survival of our planet by adopting the Berlin Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) at the end of a three-day virtual World Conference held from 17 to 19 May.

Mission 4.7 launches at the 2020 Vatican Youth Symposium
On December 16, distinguished supporters such as former UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay, and His Holiness Pope Francis, launched Mission 4.7, a new initiative to advance SDG Target 4.7 at the highest levels.

Mission 4.7, a global initiative to achieve SDG Target 4.7, to be launched at the Vatican Youth Symposium on December 16
Mission 4.7 will be launched by patrons Ban Ki-moon and Audrey Azuolay on December 16th at 8am EST on the first day of the seventh annual Vatican Youth Symposium. The VYS will be hosted virtually in partnership with the Pontifical Academy of Sciences under the theme, “New Encounters on Humanity's Path Forward: Youth, Education, Nature, and Culture”. The annual symposium brings together leaders of civil society, faith communities, businesses, academia, celebrity activists, UN Secretary-General’s SDG Advocates, and youth leaders.