The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) invites dedicated educators in the Asia-Pacific region to its flagship training workshop on GCED/EIU. The 2023 Asia-Pacific Training Workshop on EIU (APTW) aims to provide a venue to learn and discuss how Global Citizenship Education (GCED) could contribute to transforming current education.
The Workshop consists of online lectures, seminars, group activities and discussions, networking and experience sharing. Also, the Workshop will provide post-workshop mentorship programmes by experts to encourage and guide participants to carry out their own initiatives to benefit learners, peer educators, and communities. Those who complete the workshop successfully will be given a chance for grant and mentoring opportunities by submitting a project proposal on EIU/GCED.
Application Deadline: 21 May 2023
Eligibility: Educators from the UNESCO Member States in the Asia-Pacific region (with a minimum 3-year career experience)
APCEIU will hold an information session for those who wish to know more about the Workshop as follows.
4 May 2023, 16:00-17:00 (KST, Seoul Time)
Session Link: