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ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar Session A: Empowering change makers: Traversing the leadership mountain range

This session is part of an ESD-Net 2030 webinar that will take place on 31 May 2023, 13:00-15:00 CET.

Register here and select Session A. On the day, you will be automatically allocated to the breakout room associated with the session selected.

Soneva Namoona NGO exists to co-create, pilot and spread innovations that empower zero-waste communities across the Maldives. Our commitment to the elimination of single-use plastic (SUP) drives our strategic approach to addressing the social and systemic problems associated with this waste stream, which exacerbates the environmental crisis on small coral islands.

Workshop description: This personal leadership workshop aims to focus on participants’ own mindsets and personal experiences to navigate and understand their own power and potential as leaders and changemakers to achieve transformation. The session is designed to push the audience (specifically educators) to consider their roles as leaders and changemakers in their communities and especially in their classrooms, giving insight into a new vision for the future of education that is value-driven and experiential.

Target audience: Teachers, educators, school leadership, community workers, NGO staff, lifelong learners

Facilitator: Kash Izydorczyk is the Director of Soneva Namoona NGO Operations. She oversees partnership developments and arising opportunities, monitors communication, manages the team and finances; and as our education expert, leads the Fehi Madharusa (Green School) pilot program with the Ministry of Education and National Institute of Education of Maldives. Kash holds a master’s in International Education and Development. She has a wide experience of working with NGOs, and as a facilitator she has extensive knowledge of tools for inspiring and empowering workshops. Kash first arrived in the Maldives in 2010 as a volunteer teacher and was based in Afeefuddin School in Kulhudhuffushi, Maldives.

May 31

ESD-Net 2030 Learning Webinar on ESD Pedagogies

June 2

Sustainability in Teaching and Research (STAR) Symposium