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Halfway to 2030: Progress and pathways to ESD

  • UNESCO Headquarters, Room VI 7 Place de Fontenoy-Unesco Paris, Île-de-France, 75007 France (map)

This webinar will provide an opportunity to take stock of the progress and implementation of the ESD for 2030 programme. This will include sharing updates on the ESD for 2030 country initiatives and on upcoming projects by UNESCO, showcasing innovative and promising practices from our partner organizations, and discussing action points for the network in 2025 at the global and regional levels.

Some key objectives include:

  • Strengthening the ESD-NET’s community of practice by sharing progress on initiatives, good practices and resources from Member States and partners.

  • Strengthening multi-stakeholder engagement within the implementation of ESD for 2030.

  • Sharing an action plan for regional and global activities for 2025, including: Regional capacity building and peer learning activities; Monitoring and evaluation of ESD for 2030; Action-research in ESD.

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