Climate change represents one of the most controversial and least understood threats to human and economic well-being. Yet, it also presents a clear and present opportunity for action, especially from the most affected, vis-a-vis the youth. Throughout history, generations of youth have catalyzed change. To accelerate environmental sustainability, we need to hear youth’s perspectives and capitalize on their energy and ideas. We urgently need to de-jargonize climate change discourse and provide thought-leadership and inspiration among youth to accelerate climate action and foster skills for climate action.
Against this background, TERI, in collaboration with Evergreen Story, is hosting a side event at CoP 27, to showcase solutions and engage in a global discussion to derive on ground leverage of climate education and youth action from a local to global level. The session shall provide a platform to learn more on climate education focused on local youth programs in India, Africa and global platforms.
Welcome Address: Mr. R. R. Rashmi, Distinguished Fellow and Programme Director, Earth Science and Climate Change, TERI
Global Panel Discussion on Role of Youth in Climate Change Discourse: A Systemic Progression from Knowledge to Action
Mr. Neelesh Kumar Sah, Joint Secretary, MoEFCC
Prof. Dr. Georg Zollner, University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany
Ms. Vidhu Kapur, Associate Fellow, TERI-Principal Investigator, Future Climate Leaders Program
Mr. Bram Drijvers, European Institute of Innovation and Technology - Climate KIC
Mr. Malhar Kamble, Young Indian Changemaker
Moderator: Ms. Ashima Gulati, Executive Director-FCL Program, Evergreen Story
Future Climate Leaders: Experiences from Delhi Pilot: Ms. Ashima Gulati, Executive Director-FCL Program, Evergreen Story
Launch of ‘FCL-Climate Rockstar’ Podcast: Ms. Anya and Anvi Fenn, Youth Leaders and Co-founders, Evergreen Story
Introduction to African Voices and Youth Action: Ms. Aurélie Kalenga, Communications Manager, African Climate Reality Project
Closing Remarks and Vote of Thanks: Dr. Livleen Kahon, Associate Director, Environment Education and Awareness, TERI
All the events will be live-streamed through the Climate Education Hub website: