When a crisis happens in the world, like the current distressing situation in Ukraine, what is the impact on students and teachers? How can educators address what is happening, create a supportive space for students, and ensure learning still takes place?
In this webinar, Lucy Swedberg, Executive Editor and Senior Editorial Director at Harvard Business Publishing, will lead a conversation with Alexandra Sedlovskaya, Associate Director of the Christensen Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard Business School, about the role educators play when a world crisis captures our collective attention—and how to navigate the challenges that responsibility poses.
The webinar will discuss:
How to address difficult world events in the classroom, even when it’s hard to know what to say.
Why we talk about some events but not others; what compass should we use?
Why it’s essential to explore and understand the diversity of perspectives represented in the classroom.
How to be compassionate and supportive, without putting anyone on the spot.
What educators can do to instill hope and take care of themselves.