When it comes to climate change, young people around the globe have employed both leadership and passion to propose and demand solutions from the adults in charge. Yet with the support of educators like us, we can empower these young people to be even more engaged and effective in this work. What can we do to better equip our students with the knowledge to deeply understand climate change, so they can help to develop climate solutions? How can we embed climate change across subjects and disciplines to foster deep knowledge of the topic among young people? How can we help our youth become better communicators — and better advocates for climate action?
The Harvard Graduate School of Education’s 2023 Think Tank on Global Education invites educators to learn to develop and deliver powerful instruction aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, an inclusive and sustainable vision of a better future for humanity. Reimagining Our Futures Together: A Social Contract for Education, the recent report by UNESCO’s Commission on the Futures of Education, underscores the urgency of reimagining education so that students engage with a curriculum that is authentic, relevant, and meaningful.
The 2023 Think Tank on Global Education will help you and your students gain the competencies to understand and address some of the most pressing challenges of our time and to participate in building a more inclusive and sustainable future.
Program Details
During this three-day, in-person institute hosted at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, you’ll hear from thought leaders, researchers, and practitioners who have been innovators in Climate Action Education across school systems and explore frameworks for organizing student learning with a focus on Climate Action. Working in groups, you’ll analyze the levers for change in your setting, create curricula, develop your approaches to assessment, and begin to build a systematic approach to improvement.
Together, we’ll support you in identifying conditions that support or hinder progress toward your goals and experimenting with new concepts and tactics for leading learning with colleagues and students. This serves our collective goal of preparing young people to address the urgent challenge of Climate Change.
Analyze curricular materials related to Climate Action (SD Goal #13) to frame and inform the curriculum for your learners.
Explore “signature pedagogies” in climate change education and learn how exemplary teachers design signature learning experiences for their students.
Review research on effective approaches to climate change education
Understand the power of a school-wide strategy for climate action, addressing curriculum, teacher development, and operations
Receive feedback on your current challenges through the Think Tank’s Consultancy—a protocol that facilitates reflection, peer coaching, and the application of new ideas from the institute.
Who Should Attend
K–12 educators invested in climate change education
Educators at all experience levels, including those with experience building students’ climate action competencies and those new to this effort
School teams that comprise a variety of stakeholder roles, such as teachers, curriculum directors, instructional coaches, school leaders, and community members
District and school network leaders
Teacher educators
Nonprofit sector leaders who serve and collaborate with schools
Application deadline: October 06, 2023
Payment Deadline: October 18, 2023
$1,995 per person
$1,995 per team member (teams of 2+) (If you are interested in participating in a group of 10 or more people, please contact the team and select the Question Topic as “Group Enrollments.”)