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We are what we teach: 5 ways that education can be re-wired for nature

This event will present 5 innovative ideas around formal and non-formal education for nature and will bring together universities, sport, the gaming industry and youth, as well as offer a unique discussion among education and environment ministers to build out a broader plan around education for nature.

The event will tackle the most challenging yet urgent topics to help realize the climate and nature secure future we need. Ideas will be shared around:

  1. What do students want from their education? Youth to share their views around how curriculum in higher education needs to shift to adapt to the nature challenges we are facing;

  2. How can universities play their part? Launching a new Nature Positive University network alongside the University of Oxford which will work to ensure the positive impact of supply chains and land use on biodiversity and nature;

  3. What more can we do outside the classroom? Presenting plans around how to scale up action for nature through sport;

  4. How can some of the biggest youth movements in the world take action on this? Sharing the Scouts’ new Earth Tribe platform which seeks to advance education for nature through a platform which brings all environmental badges into one space;

  5. How can we make use of popular mediums such as video games to reach people where they are? The video gaming industry is scaling up action for nature through its games which reach approximately 2 billion players collectively.

This will then be followed by an exclusive discussion among government representatives to discuss what else can be done and how we can work better together on this agenda and bring it forward.

The session will end by summarizing the different inspiring routes for participants to join the movement and act for change.

March 1

Seminar on Development Education and Social Justice

March 3

SDGs Off-Campus: Engaging with the Community