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11th World Environmental Education Congress

  • Prauge Czech Republic (map)

The 11th WEEC focuses on “building bridges.” We take this as a chance for our community to build new partnerships, develop existing networks and promote cooperation in our field. We believe that this is very much needed. The severity of climate changes and deterioration of the environment calls for a strong global response. As our community is a part of this, our response needs to be strong and global. Cooperation is the key.

WEEC is an opportunity to learn more about the latest in environmental and sustainability education, to discuss with people from all over the world, to share your own work and to learn from others.

The Network aims to facilitating cooperation and exchange among those who are committed to reflecting on environment and education, considered in its formal, non-formal and informal components (teaching, training, communication and theory). It also works to promote active, informed and responsible citizenship as a condition for a more peaceful, fair and ecological human society, to guarantee an equitable access to natural resources, and a harmonious relationship among human beings, other living beings and the planet.

March 3

Integrating Climate Change into Education

March 15

The European Green Deal and universities